Gonarezhou National Park
The Gonarezhou Trust, a partnership between the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) and the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), is responsible for managing Gonarezhou Park for 20 years. The Trust, governed by a Board of Trustees, aims to make the Park financially self-sustainable, retaining all income and reinvesting it in its management.
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Hwange National Park
Waterberg Plateau Park in Namibia, known for its towering sandstone cliffs, dinosaur footprints, and rare game species, was the site of a 1904 battle between Herero warriors and German colonial forces. Today, it serves as a sanctuary for endangered species and is home to the last remaining Cape Vulture population in Namibia.
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Mana Pools National Park
Mana Pools National Park, located in Zimbabwe's northern region, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site offering a wildlife-rich, biodiverse wonderland. Located on the Zambezi River, the park features a diverse array of aquatic birds, hippopotamus, crocodile, elephants, and lioness hunting.
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Matobo Pools National Park
Matopos Hills, a national park in Matobo, is a region of granite kopjes and wooded valleys, formed over 2,000 million years ago. The hills cover 3,100 km², with 424 km² being National Park, and the rest being communal land and a small proportion of commercial farmland.
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Zimbabwe is a country with numerous tourist attractions, including Victoria Falls National Park, the Eastern Highlands, and the Matobo Hills. Victoria Falls is a popular tourist attraction, with thousands visiting for its tour. The Eastern Highlands, a series of mountainous areas near Mozambique, are home to the highest peak in Zimbabwe, Mount Nyangani. The Great Zimbabwe ruins in Masvingo are a notable example of medieval city ruins. The Matobo Hills, formed over 2000 million years ago, are a popular tourist attraction due to the burial of Cecil John Rhodes and other early white pioneers. These hills are also home to the famous World’s View site.

Must see in Zimbabwe

Chizarira National Park Chizarira, Zimbabwe’s third-largest national park, is home to the African bush, a vast, rugged landscape. Named after the Batonka word Chijalila, meaning ‘great barrier’, it covers nearly 2,000km² of wild bush, showcasing the tranquility of the African bush and its connection to the Zambezi Escarpment.

Gonarezhou National Park The Gonarezhou Trust, a partnership between the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) and the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), is responsible for managing Gonarezhou Park for 20 years. The Trust, governed by a Board of Trustees, aims to make the Park financially self-sustainable, retaining all income and reinvesting it in its management.

Hwange National Park Waterberg Plateau Park in Namibia, known for its towering sandstone cliffs, dinosaur footprints, and rare game species, was the site of a 1904 battle between Herero warriors and German colonial forces. Today, it serves as a sanctuary for endangered species and is home to the last remaining Cape Vulture population in Namibia.

Mana Pools National Park Mana Pools National Park, located in Zimbabwe’s northern region, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site offering a wildlife-rich, biodiverse wonderland. Located on the Zambezi River, the park features a diverse array of aquatic birds, hippopotamus, crocodile, elephants, and lioness hunting. The park’s landscapes are dotted with acacia trees, vital to the park’s over 12,000-strong elephant population, and vibrant plant life. Located in the northern region, visitors can experience the highest concentration of wildlife in Africa during winter.

Matobo Pools National Park Matopos Hills, a national park in Matobo, is a region of granite kopjes and wooded valleys, formed over 2,000 million years ago. The hills cover 3,100 km², with 424 km² being National Park, and the rest being communal land and a small proportion of commercial farmland. A 100 km² game park is also set aside, stocked with game including black and white rhinoceros.

Our Tours

Our Activities

Guided Tour of the Falls – Zimbabwe side Tour

2024-09-08 02:42:51

Matobo Hills Tour

2024-09-08 02:42:51

Zimbabwe – Overnight & Amp; Multi-Day Rafting Tour

2024-09-08 02:42:51

Lunar Rainbow Tour

2024-09-08 02:42:51

Micro lighting – Batoka Sky Tour

2024-09-08 02:42:51

River Boarding and Rafting Tour

2024-09-08 02:42:51

Zambezi Horse Trail Tour

2024-09-08 02:42:51

The Boma – Eating Place Tour

2024-09-08 02:42:51


Camp Hwange

Hwange Safari Lodge

Little Makalolo Camp

Nyamatusi Camp

Ruckomechi Camp

Big Bave Camp

AZambezi River Lodge

Kingdom Hotel

The Victoria Falls

Exploring Safaris Zimbabwe

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